Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gallery Show was a Success

On July 19 GZ Guitars had the opportunity to display our guitars at the Mona Lisa Galley for their 4th Summer Salon Show. It was a great success. The theme was "Taking it to the Streets" and there were graffiti, oil on canvas, mixed media, and tattoo artists. GZ were the only guitar artists. The All Terrain Band w/Lisa Lott played and there was dancing and catered food by New World Catering. Over 700 people attended making it the largest show they have ever had. There was lots of interest in our guitars and there were photographers from the news media so expect to see more on the show. Enclosed are a few photos I took of the event. I also has discussions about GZ working with some of the artists in the future. For more info on Mona Lisa Gallery check the link on this site.